Family Programs

A note about registration: Many of our programs fill quickly, so we highly recommend registering on the waiting list. We go to this list first if a space opens up. And by adding your name, you can help us better plan for the programs that are in high demand.

Monarch Tagging for All Ages

with Jennifer Unkles
All ages
Saturday, September 14, 11:30 AM – 1 PM
Suggested Donation: $5 – $30 per family

Drop in any time to see how monarch butterflies are tagged and ask questions about this amazing creature and their hope filled cycle of survival. Author Naila Moreira will be a special guest sharing about her new middle grade novel, The Monarchs of Winghaven.

Monarch Tagging for Families & kids 3+

With Jennifer Unkles
Ages 3+
Thursday, September 19, 4:00 – 5:30 PM or Monday, September 23, 4:00 – 5:30 PM
Suggested Donation: $10–$30 per person
Limited to 15 participants

The monarch butterflies are back and their cycle continues! Come for a small group class to see them up close, learn about their fascinating life cycle, tag and release pre-caught butterflies and then take a hike to look for others. Nets and supplies will be provided. We often find other insects on these walks. Data collected will be added for scientific research through the Monarch Watch Community Science Project (

Second Saturday Family Science

with Lauren Dausch
Ages 5 – 7 or Grades K – 1
Saturdays, 10 – 11 AM
September 14, October 12, November 9, December 14
Suggested Donation: $5–$30 per family

Join us for seasonal nature and science programs each second Saturday of the month. Designed for children (ages 5–7) with their parents, these programs will explore cool topics in nature. We will be learning while moving, often exploring the woods behind our building.

September 14: Strengthen Your Senses (Outside) 

Do you sometimes feel like the natural world is too separate from the constructed human world? Join us as we utilize our senses to foster a more full-bodied connection with the nature around us!

October 12: Lovely Leaves (Outside) 

Why do leaves change colors in autumn? And why do they fall off? Join us for an exploration about the life of leaves!

November 9: Let’s Get Cozy! (Inside/Outside)

As the days get shorter and the temperature drops, creatures of all shapes and sizes need to get cozy! Come on over to discover how animals’ cozy habits are both similar and different to ours.

December 14: Winter Magic (Inside/Outside)

Winter is the most magical time of year. During this program we will discover the secrets of ice and snow together!

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Hitchcock Center for the Environment