Hitchcock Center for the Environment

A Message to Our Community: We want to share a big feeling we’re having right now.

Dear Hitchcock Community,

As the anniversary of closing our doors due to the pandemic approaches, we want to share a big feeling we’re having right now: gratitude. For you, our community.

It has been a tough year. Most of us at Hitchcock weathered furloughs, uncertainty, and difficult decisions, as we know many of you have too. But in spite of so many challenges, you were there for us. So many of you reached out with kind words, and many more of you expressed your support financially. When we had to cancel programs last spring and summer, you made critical donations to help us through. When we put together a totally new menu of COVID-safe summer programming, you showed up. When we expanded our typical offerings to accommodate more families last fall, you registered.

These days, there are children romping through the forest every morning and every afternoon at the Hitchcock Center. Except for the masks, you’d never know we were in a pandemic. The resilience and delight of the children amaze us each and every day. Sharing the wonder of nature has never felt like such a privilege as it does now, and we continue to do all we can to bring our mission to the community and beyond: to educate and inspire action for a healthy planet.

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your continued support of the Hitchcock Center. May your family be healthy and happy this year.

The Hitchcock Center Staff

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