Hitchcock Center for the Environment

Hitchcock Student Photography Published in Ranger Rick

Asher Garretson, now 14, a Hitchcock Center (HCE) camper, had a photo published in the January, 2021 issue of Ranger Rick. We sent him some questions to get a little background because this isn’t the first time we’ve seen Asher’s photography so prominently displayed.

Asher says, “I use a Nikon Coolpix B600 for most of my photos; however, this one was taken with a B500. I mostly like taking pictures while on vacation (NC, AZ, ME, NH), but sometimes just take them in my backyard.”

HCE: What do you like to photograph?  
Asher: I like to photograph wildlife, particularly animals that I don’t see every day. That’s why Arizona is one of my favorite places to take my camera.

How long have you been photographing?

6 years, since I got my first camera

How did you come to submit your photograph to Ranger Rick? How did you hear about it? What was the submission process like?

I saw it in the magazine, sent the photos by email, and didn’t tell my parents until I surprised them with the magazine with my photo.

Have you had your work published previously or was this the first time?

This was the first time.

Did you show the same photo or a different one(s) in Hitchcock Center’s Youth gallery?

This was displayed in the youth gallery with some of my other photos.

Do you only photograph birds? Or, do you photograph nature in other ways too?

I photograph birds, farm animals, sometimes flowers, other wildlife.

What inspires you to use a camera in nature?

When I see something unusual or visually striking that inspires me to grab my camera and go!

What programs at the Hitchcock Center have helped inform you and your photography?

Mr. Ted has been a great support and inspiration. I have good memories of the elementary school field trips and programs with him. He was a helpful resource to me in identifying birds and other animals; I’ve emailed him photos and audio files for help.

What do you think is important for other young people to know about photographing nature?

Set your expectations low, especially at the beginning. That way you will be especially pleased when you get a great shot.

Do you have some photography goals you’d like to achieve? 

I’d like to be published again, particularly in National Wildlife magazine.

What other activities do you like to do? What do you like to study in school?

I play baseball and I like to bake. My favorite subject is math.

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