Nature Summer Camp 2025
The best place to experience summer is at the Hitchcock Center!
Registration opens January 30 at 8PM
Hitchcock Summer Camp is a space where hopeful, creative problem solvers come together to play, shout, build, discover, and create. We work within a framework of student-led inquiry to explore the world around us from insects to raptors and more. We use what we learn to solve problems, build models, and build relationships to each other and to the earth. And don’t worry–we’ll still have plenty of time to run wild, jump in the mud, and howl at the moon.
Session 1: June 30 – July 3rd (One week)
Chickadee Camp (entering Kindergarten)
Animal Superheroes (Entering grades K-4)
Session 2: July 7 – July 18 (two weeks)
Chickadee Camp (entering Kindergarten)
No Place like Home (entering grades K-4)
Leadership Training Camp (entering grades 7-9)
Session 3: July 21 – July 25 (one week)
Making and Tinkering (entering grades K-6)
Teen Adventure Camp (entering grades 7-9)
Session 4: July 28 – August 8 (two weeks)
Chickadee Camp (entering Kindergarten)
No Place Like Home (entering grades K-6)
Session 5: August 11 – August 15 (one week)
Chickadee Camp (entering Kindergarten)
Animal Superheroes (entering grades K-6)
Please note: Enrollment for campers entering 5th and 6th grade is only available for sessions 3-5.
Summer Camp runs 8:45 AM – 3:00 PM each day.
Chickadee Camp runs 8:45am to 1:00 pm.
* Please note this change: register your student for the camp sessions they would like to attend and we will place them in groups with 12-15 of their peers–grouped by age.
**Campers can register for a Maximum of 2 sessions per summer. If you register for more than 2 sessions, we will cancel the third (or fourth) session(s) and issue a refund.
Camp Overview
Age Groups / Session Titles & Dates
Age Groups
Red Fox (middle Summer Camp group)
Black Bear (oldest Summer Camp group)
Leaders in Training: Entering grades 7-9
Teen Adventure Campers: Entering grades 7-9
Session Titles and Dates
Session 1: June 30 – July 3rd (One week)
Chickadee Camp
Animal Superheroes
Session 2: July 7 – July 18 (two weeks)
Chickadee Camp
No Place like Home
Leadership Training Camp
Session 3: July 21 – July 25 (one week)
Making and Tinkering
Teen Adventure Camp
Session 4: July 28 – August 8 (two weeks)
Chickadee Camp
No Place Like Home
Session 5: August 11 – August 15 (one week)
Chickadee Camp
Animal Superheroes
* Please note this change: register your student for the camp sessions they would like to attend and we will place them in groups with 12-15 of their peers–grouped by age.
**Campers can register for a Maximum of 2 sessions per summer. If you register for more than 2 sessions, we will cancel the third (or fourth) session(s) and issue a refund.
Session Descriptions & Pricing
Session 1: Animal Superheroes (One-week Session)
June 30 – July 3rd (one week) (no camp on July 4th)
8:45 am - 3 pm
Fees for Session 1: Tier A $415; Tier B $360; Tier C $325
This session we’re exploring the superpowers of the natural world! We’ll investigate animals' tricks for hiding from predators and finding food, and learn about awesome adaptations their bodies have to help them leap, fly and swim. Through outdoor activities, games, observation, nature hikes, and art projects, we will encounter ordinary superheroes with extraordinary adaptations.
Session 2: No Place like Home (Two-week session)
July 7 – July 18 (two weeks)
8:45 am - 3 pm
Fees for Session 2: Tier A $1020; Tier B $885; Tier C $800
Explore field, forest, farms, and community to discover the fascinating connections of the place we call home. Through hands-on experiences within these habitats, mixed with stories, songs, games, and crafts, we will build our sense of place as we investigate the human and natural history of this place, how our ecosystems work, and all about the many creatures who all call this place home.
Session 3: Making and Tinkering (One-week session)
July 21 – July 25 (one week)
8:45 am - 3 pm
Fees for Session 1: Tier A $520; Tier B $450; Tier C $405
Become a nature-inspired inventor! Campers will spend this week outdoors exploring science and biomimicry and creating nature-inspired inventions. Through investigation and play, campers will discover nature’s secrets and use them to playfully solve problems. By learning from the world around us, we can become sustainable engineers!
Session 4: No Place Like Home (Two-week session)
July 28 – August 8 (two weeks)
8:45 am - 3 pm
Fees for Session 4: Tier A $1020; Tier B $885; Tier C $800
Explore field, forest, farms, and community to discover the fascinating connections of the place we call home. Through hands-on experiences within these habitats, mixed with stories, songs, games, and crafts, we will build our sense of place as we investigate the human and natural history of this place, how our ecosystems work, and all about the many creatures who all call this place home.
Session 5: Animal Superheroes (One-week Session)
Session 5: August 11 – August 15 (one week)
8:45 am - 3 pm
Fees for Session 5: Tier A $520; Tier B $450; Tier C $405
This session we’re exploring the superpowers of the natural world! We’ll investigate animals' tricks for hiding from predators and finding food, and learn about awesome adaptations their bodies have to help them leap, fly and swim. Through outdoor activities, games, observation, nature hikes, and art projects, we will encounter ordinary superheroes with extraordinary adaptations.
Session 2: Leadership Training Camp (Two-week Session)
July 7 – July 18 (two weeks)
8:45 am - 3 pm
Fees for Session 2: Tier A $1035; Tier B $900; Tier C $810
LTC is a place where teens can develop their skills as naturalists, problem solvers, and community members, and returning leaders can strengthen the skills they’ve been working on. It is designed for those who may want to be a Counselor-in-Training or Junior Counselor at Hitchcock or other camps, who want a chance to build leadership skills in life, or who just want to learn new skills and have some fun. This is done through our “spiral” system, with spirals representing your experience in LTC (spiral 1 for first-year campers, spiral 2 for second-year campers, etc.) and each spiral holding different expectations and skills.
We’ll tackle challenges such as caving, field trips, hikes, and overnight camping. We’ll take time to learn how to support each other as a group, work with the younger campers to put what we learn into practice, and be campers ourselves: playing in the woods and learning about and exploring nature. We expect leaders to be excited to build communication skills like listening and considering the group’s needs and to be willing to challenge themselves by choice in a safe and supportive environment.
Leadership Training Camp is jam-packed with outdoor adventures, group challenges, nature hikes, fun, and discussions on what makes good leaders.
Please note that drop-off and pick-up times for LTC may change on some days depending on our schedule for that day.
Session 3: Teen Adventure Camp (One-week Session)
July 21 – July 25 (one week)
8:45 am - 3 pm
Fees for Session 3: Tier A $605; Tier B $525; Tier C $475
We have created a new camp for teens who are too old for our Nature Summer Camp, and still want to engage in the fun and adventure outdoors with the Hitchcock Center! Join us in exploring some of our favorite places in the Connecticut River Valley. From the heights of Mount Holyoke to the depths of the ice caves–come join us–adventure awaits! We will be having van and bus-based field trips each day for this one week program.
Chickadee Camp
Entering Kindergarten*
Mondays - Fridays, 8:45 am - 1 pm
Session 1: June 30 – July 3rd (one week) (no camp on July 4th)
Session 2: July 7 – July 18 (two weeks)
Session 4: July 28 – August 8 (two weeks)
Session 5: August 11 – August 15 (one week)
Fees for Session 1: Tier A $320; Tier B $280; Tier C $250 (no camp on July 4th)
Fees for Sessions 3 and 5: Tier A $400; Tier B $350; Tier C $315
Fees for Session 2 and 4: Tier A $800; Tier B $700; Tier C $630
The Chickadee program is a safe, nurturing first outdoor day camp experience for young ones. Attentive and loving counselors facilitate safe and curious exploration of the Discovery Yard and Hitchcock trails while sharing enthusiasm and joyful nature connection. Our “Nest” (the gazebo) and pollinator gardens are our home base. Each day has a specific nature theme and includes free play, morning circle, snack time, songs, stories, lunchtime, chores, and games. Sand kitchen play and sprinkler time are also part of each day! Our goals for our Chickadees are to use all their senses to explore nature, to feel comfortable and safe learning and playing outdoors, and to be part of a caring and respectful group.
*Chickadee Camp is primarily for rising Kindergartners (children entering Kindergarten in fall 2025), but parents are welcome to sign up their developmentally younger or less outgoing rising first graders as well. Children must be five years old by September 1, 2025 and entering Kindergarten in fall 2025 to be eligible to participate. As with the rest of Hitchcock summer camp, campers are limited to a maximum of two sessions per summer. This camp runs from 8:45am to 1:00 pm.
A Typical Camp Day
What to bring to Camp
Here is our list of what to bring to summer camp. To have fun and be safe in the outdoors, it is important that each camper brings the following items to camp. Each camper will be responsible for caring for his/her own possessions during the day as we move from building to van to the activity site.
***Please label all items with your child’s name!***
- Hearty snack and lunch that do not require heating or refrigeration
- Proper footwear. We recommend bringing one pair that can get wet/muddy and one sturdy closed-toe pair for hiking and running. No flip flops, please.
- Change of clothes: shirt, bottoms, underwear and socks. This can stay at camp throughout the session.
- Rain gear
- Water bottle (screw top or canteen style, no straws please)
- Back pack that fits and is comfortable to wear
- Hat with brim for sun protection
- Sunscreen and insect repellent ( we can only apply what you provide)
- Swim suit and towel for sprinkler play
A Typical Nature Summer Camp Day
8:45-9:00 Arrival, Mystery Corner/Landing activity/ Outside Game
9:00 Morning Circle: Name Game, Songs, Group Challenge, Theme of the Day
10:00 Snack
10:15 Outdoor Adventure and Exploration or Field Trip
12:00pm Lunch, Story and Siesta
1:15 Outdoor Nature Free Play
1:45 Craft and/or Science
2:40 Clean up
2:45 Closing Circle
2:55-3:00 Pick Up
Each day consists of outdoor play, guided hikes and field investigations, songs, crafts and team building games. Campers spend each day doing activities related to the daily theme, such as Creeping Crawlers or Fantastic Flyers. Snack time, lunch, quiet time, and unstructured play time are also parts of each day. For our two week sessions the Brown Bears (entering grades 5-6) travel by van or bus to the field trip sites two times per week and Red Foxes (entering grades 3-4) travel by van or bus to field trip sites once a week. On some days, we may choose to walk to the “far away woods”, and have all of our programming in the forest.
A Typical Chickadee Camp Day
8:45-9:00 Arrival, Landing activity
9:00 Morning Circle
10:00 Snack
10:30 Outdoor Adventure
11:30 Game
12:00 pm Lunch and Story
12:45 Closing Circle
1:00 Pick Up
Drop off and Pick up Information
Drop Off
Camp drop off will be from 8:45am to 9:00am (please try and have your kids here by 9:00 so they don’t miss out on any programming). Please call the Hitchcock Center - 413-256-6006 if your child can not make it to camp, or if you know ahead of time, inform your counselor.
The Black Bears will be the first location, Red Foxes, the second, and Grey Squirrels the third (by the bicycle racks under the canopy), and Chickadee Camp, at the far end of the parking lot, by the gazebo. Please pull your car up to the correct area to drop off your child. Leadership Training Camp and the Teen Adventure Camp, have separate parking in the lot near the Hampshire College Admissions office (which is the same driveway as Hitchcock on the left). We ask all parents on the first day to park their cars and walk with the children to greet their counselors so that they can check our information for pick up and drop off information.
After the first day, if you want to walk your child to the drop-off location, please park your car in a parking spot or you can let your child out at the signed location for their group. It is wonderful to have your children come to camp with sunblock and bug spray already applied. If you want to apply sunblock/bug spray at drop off, we will ask you to first find a parking spot. If you decide to park your car, please walk your child to their counselor, as the parking lot will be very busy.
Pick Up
Pick Up for Chickadee Camp is at 1:00 each day**
Pick up for all other groups is from 2:55 to 3:00 each day**
We will ask you to come out of the car, and meet one of your children’s counselors to sign your child out. Please ensure that you have provided a list of all potential people who will be picking up your child. We can’t release a child to someone who is not on the list.
Our counselors are busy preparing for the day before 8:45, and need time in the afternoon for cleaning up and additional prep the next day, so please do not drop off your children early or pick them up late. There will be a lot of activity at these times, so please drive slowly and carefully, and be aware while leaving the car.
Camp Staff
We can't wait to introduce our 2025 Summer Camp Staff! Coming soon.
Counselors in Training and Junior Counselors
The Hitchcock Center Nature Summer Camp has great opportunities for teens in 2025! Our “Counselor-in-Training (CIT)” program, is for teens entering 8-9th grade, who love nature and working with children. Our “Junior Counselor (JC)” program for 10-12th graders ready for more of a leadership role. We encourage current rising 8th - 12th graders to register for summer 2025!
Applicants for both programs should earnestly wish to build their leadership skills and contribute to a fun, safe camp environment by being mature and appropriate role models for the kids. Learn more...
Frequently Asked Question About Nature Summer Camp
Registration Information
Nature Summer Camp 2025 details will be emailed to the Hitchcock Center email list in January, and can be found on this web page. Not sure if you’re on our mailing list? You can sign up to be on our email list here.
Registration begins online: Thursday, January 30, 2025 at 8:00 pm. Final camp payments and all camp paperwork are due on Friday, April 4, 2025.
Out of a strong commitment to improve access to our programs we are offering a sliding scale fee structure aimed to provide greater flexibility in choosing a price that is right for you and your family.
- Tier A: The fee is set higher than what it costs to run the program and helps to support those who cannot afford the full cost of the program.
- Tier B: The fee is set to cover 100% of the program costs.
- Tier C: The fee is set less than what it costs to run the program
- Some additional financial aid is available to help make this program accessible. Please contact Barb or Shelly at 413-256-6006 for more information. This option is available for EBT, WIC, and Connector Care participants, that is, households receiving benefits through the Massachusetts Department of Transitional Assistance and the Massachusetts Health Connector.
Registration will begin on January 30 at 8:00 pm, and a deposit of $150 will be due upon registration. Final payment for summer camp will be due on April 4th (along with final paperwork).
**Due to increasing demand for our camp, we ask that you limit your registration to two sessions per child.**
Financial Aid
The Hitchcock Center for the summer of 2025 will continue the tiered pricing system. See the registration tab, above.
Hitchcock also provides full scholarships for children for whom camp isn’t possible due to severe financial hardship. Full scholarships are awarded based on nominations from teachers and guidance counselors at local schools. If you feel you’re eligible for a full scholarship, please contact the camp director at Please note: the deadline for receiving these nominations is January 28.
Donate to Our Camp Scholarship Fund
The need for camp scholarships has grown dramatically over the last three years. This year, close to 30% of our campers are receiving either a full scholarship or financial aid. We strive to be able to make our camp affordable and accessible for all, and could use your help. If you have not already donated to our camp scholarship fund, this is another great opportunity to do so. Here is the link to make a donation:
Health Care Policy
- The Hitchcock Center will have the following information on site for all campers and staff: medical concerns, allergy information, current immunization record, emergency phone numbers, physician signature and/or parent signature pertaining to the camper’s ability to participate in camp. No camper will be admitted to camp without a completed health form, current physical and certificate of immunizations.
- The Hitchcock Center highly encourages all campers (and requires all staff and campers 16 and over) to have the COVID-19 vaccine in order to ensure that our camp can be as safe as possible for all participants. We require all vaccinations required by the Town of Amherst. The Amherst Board of Health now requires COVID-19 vaccination for students 16 years of age and older (except for medical or religious exemptions) to attend Amherst public schools. Should FDA approval occur for children ages 5-12, we anticipate the town will also require vaccination for that age group. We will follow Board of Health guidelines.
- All emergency phone numbers will be posted next to the phone of each camp. Those phone numbers include the number of the Camp Health Care Consultant, Police, Ambulance, Fire Department and MA Poison Info. Center.
- All staff working with children are professionally trained and certified in Community CPR and Standard First Aid, or their equivalents and shall complete the Heads Up online head injury safety training program.
- The Hitchcock Center has measurers in place to prevent the spread of communicable diseases. We follow exclusion policies for serious illnesses, contagious diseases and reportable diseases. No camper may attend camp if they are sick. All communicable diseases must be reported to the Camp Director. All campers with fevers over 100°F and/or vomiting must leave the property as soon as possible and not return for 24 hours of being symptom free. In the event of a serious contagious or reportable disease, the Camp Director will notify all parents, in accordance with the Department of Public Health recommendation.
- No medication will be administered without a written consent form from BOTH the parent/guardian AND the Camp Health Care Consultant. We will have two Health Care Supervisors on site at all times. Health Care Supervisors shall be trained or instructed by the Health Care Consultant to administer oral or topical medications. All prescription medication must be provided in the original prescription container with the pharmacy labels. For prescribed medicine, camp staff will not vary from the prescribed dose, appearing on the original label of the medication, without prior approval from the prescribing physician. All over the counter medications must be kept in the original containers, which shall include direction for use.
- All medication will be kept out of reach of the children in a locked container. In the case of anaphylactic allergies, be sure that any necessary treatments are left at the Hitchcock Center and any EpiPens are left with the Counselors or Camp Director. Campers shall self-administer and carry their EpiPens if the camper is capable of self-administration and the Health Care Consultant and the campers parent/guardian have provided written approval. The Health Care Supervisors and Counselors will be trained in the administration of EPI Pens under the direction of the Health Care Consultant. Medications that require refrigeration or to be frozen will be kept in a locked container in the refrigerator or freezer. All medications, with the exception of EPI Pens which are time critical, shall be administered by the health supervisor under the supervision of the health care consultant or a licensed health care professional. When no longer needed, medications shall be returned to a parent or guardian whenever possible. Outdated or unused medication will be properly disposed of. A medical disposal log shall be maintained for at least three years, documenting any medication that could not be returned to the parent or guardian. Needles and Syringes will be disposed of in accordance with 105CMR480.000. (CMR430.160)
- A Medical Log is kept for all medications given and disposed of and for the documentation of all first aid administered by camp staff and reported injuries. Staff will not perform first aid beyond the certified knowledge (CMR 430.155).
- The camp office has a fully stocked First Aid kit on hand. In addition, the Counselors will carry First Aid packs wherever they go. The first aid kits shall meet the American National Standards Institute Z308.1-2015 requirements, including at minimum one Class B Kit and one or more Class A kits as necessary.(CMR 430.161)
- In the event of a major accident, injury or death during a Hitchcock program or trip, the following steps should be followed:
- Call 911 for medical/police assistance. The Amherst Fire Department Ambulance Service will dispatch an ambulance if needed.
- Attend to all serious/life threatening injuries immediately and administer First Aid/CPR as needed. Under no circumstances will the victim or other children be left unsupervised.
- When help arrives, call the Hitchcock Center for further assistance. Whether you reach a staff person or our voice mail system it is imperative that you leave a complete message with your name, the victim’s name and injury, your location, cell phone number, and the nature of the accident.
- The Camp Director will notify a parent/guardian or a parent alternate from the child’s form if unable to reach a parent.
- A Camper Injury Report Form will be completed by day’s end and sent to the Massachusetts Department of Public Health and the Board of Health no later than seven calendar days from the date of injury (CMR430.154).
- When off site, at least one of the Counselors will carry a cellular phone. While on-site, at least one Counselor per group will carry a walkie
talkie which also can be used for emergency purposes. - Copies of the health forms for each camper are kept in the van for emergency uses.
- Tick checks will be done when returning from being on the trails prior to entering the building. The Counselors will teach campers how to do tick checks. We encourage parents to perform thorough tick checks on their child at the end of each day.
- The Hitchcock Center requests that if Campers need insect repellent it is applied prior to the beginning of the camp day. Campers are requested to bring their own insect repellent. If given permission, Counselors can apply the insect repellent provided. All applications of insect repellent must be done outside.
In the event of a mild injury i.e. sprained ankle or wrist:
- The child will be given ice and a place to rest to keep the area elevated.
- If the child is unable to return to the camp activities the parent will be notified.
- The Camp Director will notify a parent/guardian or a parent alternate from the child’s form if unable to reach a parent.
In the case of a mild sickness i.e. upset stomach:
- The child will be given a place to rest.
- The parent will be notified.
- The Camp Director will notify a parent/guardian or a parent alternate from the child’s form if unable to reach a parent.
- If the sickness warrants, the parents will be requested to pick up the child.
In the case of a head injury or suspected concussion:
- The child will be given a place to rest.
- The parent/guardian will be notified.
- The Camp Director will notify a parent/guardian from the child’s form if unable to reach a parent.
- The parent/guardian will be provided a Heads Up – Concussion Fact Sheet for Parents, and will require a note from a healthcare professional to ensure that a camper can return to camp, if any symptoms of a concussion were observed.
Life Threatening Allergy Guidelines
The Hitchcock Center for the Environment (HCE) provides a safe and healthy environment for our campers and staff to the extent reasonably possible. Campers identified with life-threatening allergies will be provided for as medically necessary. The HCE guidelines will help reduce exposure to allergens to the best of our ability, knowing that we can be allergen-aware, not allergen free, and to follow established procedures to treat allergic reactions. The HCE is a public building and we can not control if allergens are brought into the building.
A camper identified as having a life-threatening allergy must have a written statement clearly documenting the allergy from his/her health care provider/allergy specialist along with a written medication order, parent/guardian consent for required interventions and medication. HCE will provide training to educate Counselors in the management of life threatening allergies.
If there is a camper with a severe peanut or tree nut allergy, or other life-threatening allergy in a session, families and campers for that group and session are respectfully asked to refrain from bringing nuts or foods processed with nuts in lunches and snacks (or the relevant allergen). At the end of each snack and lunch and at the end of the day, tables are cleaned and students will be asked to wash their hands before and after eating.
Camp’s Responsibility
- The Health Care Supervisor will be available for campers who have a life-threatening allergy. A back-up plan will be in place when the Health Care Supervisor is not available on-site.
- Counselors will have cell phones to maintain contact with the Health Care Supervisor and/or other camp staff in case of a medical emergency.
- The camp’s emergency response plan will include a written plan that outlines the management of life threatening emergencies.
- In the event of an allergen exposure, policies and procedures will be reviewed.
- Camp personnel will receive appropriate training in allergic response recognition and response as needed.
- After reviewing the health records provided by the parent/guardian, the camp Health Care Supervisor in conjunction with the Health Care Consultant will develop an individual health care plan.
- If the camper is carrying their epinephrine auto-injector, the counselor will check in with the camper to ensure that they have the epinephrine auto-injector at the beginning of the camp session.
Recommendations for Campers
Based on the camper’s age and developmental level, campers are encouraged to be proactive in the care and management of their allergies and reactions. All guidelines below are considered recommendations but it will not be assumed that any child can take full responsibility for their own allergy management.
- Wash hands with soap and water before and after eating (hand sanitizer is not effective).
- Learn to recognize symptoms of an allergic reaction.
- Promptly inform an adult as soon as possible exposure occurs or symptoms appear.
- Do not trade or share food.
- Do not eat anything with unknown ingredients or known to contain any allergen.
- Develop a relationship with the camp Health Care Supervisor and other adults in the camp to help identify issues related to managing the allergy in camp.
- Notify an adult immediately if feeling threatened or bullied as it relates to their life threatening allergy.
- Camper may carry epinephrine auto-injector on self if camp Health Care Supervisor, parent or guardian and licensed prescriber are in agreement.
Health Care Consultant: Dr. Peter Everett, 413-584-8700
Health Care Supervisors: Jeffrey Mazur, Monya Relles, and Dan Butterworth 845 West Street, Amherst MA, 413-256-6006
Required Immunizations
Written documentation of immunizations in accordance with the most current Department of Health immunization are required for all camp and camp staff. (CMR 430.152). Staff will follow the recommendations for college or post-secondary students.
The following is a link to the MA Deptartment of Health required immunizations which are the same as are required for attending public school:
If you have any questions about vaccines, immunization recommendations, or suspect or confirmed cases of disease, please contact the MDPH Immunization Program at 888-658-2850 or 617-983-6800.
Information about Meningococcal Disease and Camp Attendees: Commonly Asked Questions
Cancellation Policy
Cancellation policy for 2025: Self-cancellation is now available through your Active account. You may cancel your own registration up to 90 days before the start of your session.
- If you cancel more than 90 days before the first day of your session, you will receive a full refund minus the 6% platform fee.
- If you cancel 30-90 days before the first day of your session, you will receive a full refund minus the $150 deposit.
- If you cancel less than 30 days before the first day of your session, you will not receive a refund, unless the program is full and we are able to fill your spot, then you may receive a 50% refund.
- Our camp sessions are booked months in advance and our staffing and preparation for camp begins in the early spring. We cannot provide refunds for absent or sick days, family emergencies, or unexpected vacations.
- Exceptions granted only in the case of a health emergency, evidenced by a written physician's statement, restricting the child from attending camp for the entire session.
Parental Responsibilities
A parent, guardian or designated representative for the child shall not send the child to the program if they are ill or have a temperature. All contagious illnesses must be reported to the Camp Director.
If it is determined during the day that the child is ill, is exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19, or has a temperature, the parent/guardian will be notified. It is their responsibility to have the child picked up from camp as soon as possible.
The parent or guardian shall notify the Camp Director if a child will be absent on a regularly enrolled day.
Parents or guardians shall notify the campers Counselor or the Camp Director when someone other than those named on the child’s Emergency Information will be picking up the child.
Parents or guardians will assist staff in handling any behavior problems or other concerns by being open to discussions and conferences in order to best service their child.
Parents and guardians can request copies of our background check, health care and discipline policies by contacting the Camp Director.
Parents must provide documentation from the camper’s health care providers regarding the camper’s allergy prior to the beginning of camp or as soon as possible after diagnosis. The health care provider should be the allergist or similar specialist to the extent that the camper has such a provider. In the case of a food allergy, provide a list of foods/ingredients the camper child must avoid.
In addition: if your child has a severe allergy or severe asthma, parents are responsible to:
- Provide the camp with up-to-date medication (epinephrine auto-injector or inhaler), medication orders from a licensed health care provider and parent/guardian consent forms for medication administration.
- Provide the camp with a way to reach you at all times or an available local emergency contact.
- Provide the Health Care Supervisor with any changes in your camper’s allergy or asthma status as soon as they occur.
- Educate your child about their allergy or asthma: importance of avoiding allergens, symptoms of a reaction and how to communicate to an adult if they think a reaction is starting.
Parents’ and guardians’ questions, suggestions, and concerns are important to the success of Hitchcock Centers Summer Nature Camp. If a staff member is not free to speak with you immediately, please leave your name and phone number, and someone will call you as soon as possible. You can also email the Camp Director.
We encourage you to inform the staff if your child is having difficulty at camp. Let them know if changes are occurring at home that are affecting your child’s mood or behavior. Also, if your camper enjoyed a particular event or activity and you appreciate something special at Camp, please tell the staff.
Camper Requirements
We strive to make summer camp as accessible, safe, and inclusive as possible. Due to the outdoor and exploratory nature of our camp program, campers must be able to move about on uneven terrain. Campers are expected to meaningfully participate in age-appropriate activities, including nature study.
We welcome campers who are emerging multilinguals, queer and questioning, as well as campers with social, emotional, physical, cognitive, or behavioral challenges, along with their 1:1 assistant or a personal care assistants. If your camper receives 1:1 support at school, then they need 1:1 support at camp. Families must provide their own 1:1 support for their child. If your camper has social, emotional, physical, cognitive, or behavioral challenges, please contact our Camp Director to determine whether your camper can be accommodated at camp. If you have questions or concerns about how we can best support your camper, please feel free to reach out.
In addition, your child must be able to wear a mask when appropriate, and be capable of being able to thoroughly wash their hands, and maintain social distancing requirements as directed by their counselors.
Safety and Behavior Policy
One of our primary goals at the Hitchcock Center is to provide a safe and positive environment for all of the children who participate in our programs, all of the time. We cannot work one-on-one with children with behavioral difficulties. We have designed a general policy to be used with all campers. We will handle disruptive and aggressive behavior (hitting, bad language, disrespect to other children or to staff, etc.) as follows:
- If there is one incident, the parent will be informed.
- If there are two incidents, we will have a parent, child, and camp director meeting.
- If the behavior continues and cannot be controlled, the child will be disenrolled. The Executive Director, acting with the advice of the Camp Director or Counselor, will make this decision.
Note that if circumstances occur, in which, in the opinion of the Camp Director and Executive Director, that a camper’s actions are such, that their presence may impact the safety and well-being of other campers, then at the discretion of the Executive Director, a camper may be disenrolled after the first or second incident.
Parents should judge beforehand whether their child is capable of handling a camp setting, as the Hitchcock Center will not refund camp fees for these reasons. This policy represents our best effort to protect children with behavioral problems, their families, other children, and our staff.
While the Hitchcock Center is a public building, staff and counselors will keep campers separate from any persons who are not a part of camp. Any adults that are unrecognized persons (ie. Non-campers, staff, volunteers, contractors, parents or guardians) will be asked not to interact with campers.
Safety and Behavior Agreements
- We promote a culture of using our words to solve problems and to alert staff if a camper is hurt by another camper or otherwise needs help. Staff are trained to facilitate conflict resolution among campers.
- We foster a culture of respect and care for ourselves, each other, Counselors, and the environment. When disrespect is shown, staff facilitate conflict resolution.
- Children eat their own food brought from home or snacks given by Counselors only.
- Children will never be left unsupervised or left alone with a Counselor in Training (CIT).
- The Hitchcock Center encourages the use of sun protection for all, including wearing wide brim hats, long sleeves and pants, and sunscreen with an SPF greater than 25. We request that sunscreen and insect repellent be applied before camp. If necessary, and if permission is given, Counselors can reapply both sunscreen and insect repellent during the camp day.
- All children wash their hands before meals, snack and after going to the rest room. If snack or lunch is happening in a location where hand washing is not available, then hand sanitizer will be provided.
- No child shall be denied food, water or shelter as a form of punishment; subjected to cruel or severe punishment, humiliation, verbal abuse, or corporal punishment, including spanking; or be punished for soiling, wetting or not using the toilet.
Staff Recruitment
The following is our standard procedure to ensure that our employees and volunteers have a background free of conduct that has an adverse effect on his/ her ability to provide for the safety and well being of the campers. The following are minimum requirements for each new prospective employee who may have unsupervised contact with a camper:
- Prior Work History (address, phone number)
- Three positive reference checks from individuals not related to the staff person including, but not limited to previous employers or school administration.
- Inquiry by agency into the individual’s prior criminal history (CORI check and SORI). All staff who live outside of MA are to provide documentation from their local chief of police indicating their prior criminal history.
- Based on the required information we will then determine if the potential employees history should disqualify them from any type of contact or presence at the camp.
Nature Summer Camp must comply with regulations of the Massachusetts Department of Public Health and be licensed by the local Board of Health.
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