Hitchcock Center for the Environment

Educator Resources

Visit the Hitchcock Center Campus

Come visit the Colleen Kelley Nature Discovery Play Yard, located on the Hitchcock Center’s campus, at any time with your family, bring your fellow teachers to learn about design and resources, and most importantly have fun here with the kids in your life!

Try at Home or Learn in the Classroom

We hope you will join us to enjoy some of these in-person and online programs and resources.

Get Outside!

Get Out! Exploring the Wonders of our Local Parks, Every Kid Outdoors Program funded by the USDA Forest Service and prepared by the Hitchcock Center, 2019

Early Childhood Activities

Colleen Kelley, our former Director of Education has compiled some wonder-FULL resources she has found online and some that she has been using to teach children for many years. Explore these resources to help strengthen your Early Childhood teaching toolkit.

Teaching Resources

Our environmental educators are supporting 73 teachers in 10 schools, providing them with outdoor video instruction, classroom activities, and other teaching resources to help students continue their study of science and nature. You can find these by visiting our YouTube channel.

Animal Anecdotes

Hitchcock Center has quite a few resident teaching animals who help us show people about the natural world, like Cob the corn snake and Terra the turtle. Check our YouTube channel or Follow us on Facebook for animal content.

Hitchcock’s Own Curriculum

The Peg McDaniel Resource Center offers a definitive array of K–12 teaching materials and resources for informal and formal educators seeking to strengthen their content knowledge and teaching methods in S.T.E.M.—Science, Technology, Engineering and Math—fields and the best practices of environmental education.

In addition to hundreds of curriculum units, lesson plans, classroom activities, we self-publish our own curriculum to address the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) including:

Call or visit us soon to discover the many ways we can advance your teaching practice.

Recommended Reading

Our Garden Plot Thickens, Science and Children, by Judith Hebert, Gini Traub, and Edward Watt, March 2015

Birding for Beginners, Green Teacher, by Renee Bachman and Edward Watt, Summer 2014

Why is Getting Outdoors Important? The Healthy Benefits of Connecting Children to Nature

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