Ethnobotany Walk
Ethnobotany Walk
Sunday, May 26, 10 AM - 12 PM Our native plants have so much to teach us, their balanced place in the ecosystem, their co-evolution with pollinators, mycorrhizae and us humans!
Sunday, May 26, 10 AM - 12 PM Our native plants have so much to teach us, their balanced place in the ecosystem, their co-evolution with pollinators, mycorrhizae and us humans!
All We Can Save Book Circle January - May 2nd and 4th Mondays of the month, 7:30pm - 8:30pm Are you hungry for deeper dialogue about the climate crisis and building community around solutions? We are too. All We Can Save Circles are like a book club, but a cooler, deeper, extended version. Let’s strengthen […]
Spring Birding Course with Scott Surner February 24 - June 8 2024 Classes and field trips Sliding scale tickets: $375, $325, $280 Up to 15 participants. Registration required. June 1: Travel day. 5 am -12 pm. Southwick Wildlife Management Area. We usually come away with 40-50 species in this grassland area. Some of the past […]
with Mary & David Dunn Sunday, June 2, 2pm - 3:30pm ( Rain Date June 9) Mary and David are extraordinary volunteers at the Hitchcock Center. They have built and maintained the rain barrel systems we use for our Discovery Yard and Teaching Gardens. This program will join Mary and David Dunn at their home […]
Spring Birding Course with Scott Surner February 24 - June 8 2024 Classes and field trips Sliding scale tickets: $375, $325, $280 Up to 15 participants. Registration required. June 8: Travel day. 5 am - 2 pm. October Mountain/Berkshire County. Nesting birds. It’s been a few years since the class has visited this area. Past highlights […]
with Todd Lynch Saturday June 8 - 9am - 3pm Sliding scale fee: $80, $100, or $120 Limited to 12 participants Join Forest Bathing guide and ecological artist Todd Lynch for a refreshing day of discovery and art making and leave with ways you can integrate these practices into your own rhythms. Forest Bathing combined […]
Wednesday, May 15, 8 - 10 AM And/Or Saturday, June 9, 8 - 10 AM Sliding Scale $15, $25, $35 Sometimes the most amazing birds you can’t spot, but their song gives them away! Join naturalist John Green and his great ear to see what birds you can find by sight or sound during this […]
with John Green Thursday, June 13, 8:30 PM Do you love the ephemeral season of fireflies? Or maybe you call them lightning bugs, either way come and learn about and enjoy some guided firefly watching. We will have a fire going and snacks so we can talk about fireflies in Hitchcock gardens before we head […]
For the first time since 2019, join us for an evening of botanically inspired cocktails and appetizers from our area’s top mixologists and chefs to benefit the Hitchcock Center’s sustainability, environmental justice, natural history and STEM programming! All proceeds help to provide year-round education for a healthy planet to over 13,000 people of all ages. […]
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at Hampshire College
845 West Street | Amherst MA 01002 | 413.256.6006 | 413.253.2809 fax