Professional Development
We offer standard and custom-designed professional development trainings. Focus is on strengthening content knowledge and teaching methods in earth, life, and physical sciences, while incorporating the best practices of environmental education in your classroom.
ANCA CONNECTS at Hitchcock Center
Thursday, April 3 — 9am-4:30pm ET
Registration includes a light breakfast, snack, and boxed lunch.
$40 – ANCA Members and staff of ANCA Organization Members
$60 – Non-Members
The Association of Nature Center Administrators (ANCA) is the leading professional organization supporting leadership and management in the nature center field. Join us for a day of professional development and networking with ANCA at Hitchcock Center’s Living Building.
This CONNECTS program offers you the opportunity to connect with peers while learning about the operations of nature centers, outdoor schools, and related organizations. You’ll also be able to explore the Hitchcock Center, seeing the organization’s operations firsthand.
Participants will be able to choose from an assortment of Open Space discussions, sessions where all participants contribute to the conversation. These discussions are an excellent opportunity to share with your peers, learn new ideas, discuss trends in the profession, and work together to find solutions.
This program will also include:
- Tours of the sustainable features of the Hitchcock Center’s Living Building, the 23rd in the world
- Keynote presentation on “Are We a Nature Center?” by Hitchcock Center Executive Director, Billy Spitzer
- Tours of the Center, including structured outdoor play areas and gardens
- Walks to explore the Center’s outdoor classrooms and nature trails
This program is for any professional at a nature center, outdoor school, or related organization. We welcome both ANCA members and non-members along with professionals from outside New England to attend.
Registration and Questions
For more information on trainings, please contact Dan Butterworth, Education Program Manager via email or 413-256-6006.
Free online curriculum units
Hitchcock Center education staff have developed the following comprehensive curriculum units to teach environmental concepts to young people:
The Pond Ecosystem – Grade 3
Energy is Electrifying!! – Grade 4
Hydroshphere, Water and How We Use It – Grade 5
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