Teen Programs
Youth Climate Ambassadors
Do you want to share your stories with others in order to inspire change, empathy, and connection? We are seeking young people in Massachusetts to get involved in the climate movement in a creative way.
The Hitchcock Center and Climate Stories Project are seeking Massachusetts middle and high school students to record and share their climate stories and interview community members about their personal responses to the changing climate. We are gathering a group of motivated students for our climate storytelling training project. A commitment to the project includes two workshops during January and February and an in-person community visioning session in April. A stipend will be awarded to participating youth at the end of the project.
Thursday, January 30, 7-8:30pm (virtual) – Training
Thursday, February 27, 7-8:30pm (virtual) – Training
Thursday, April 3, 7-8:30pm (virtual) – Planning Meeting
Sunday, April 13, 1-4pm (in-person at Hitchcock Center)
We’re excited to share that this project has reached full capacity!
If you have questions or need more information, contact Jason at jason@climatestoriesproject.org or Chrissy at chrissy@hitchcockcenter.org.
This program is made possible by a grant from Mass Humanities, which provided funding through the Massachusetts Cultural Council (MCC).
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